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The ACT Health Directorate is working with the Australian Government Department of Health and state and territory counterparts to monitor and respond to the current novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) outbreak.

The ACT Health Directorate has well established processes and procedures in place for the management of infectious diseases.

Healthcare workers in ACT public hospitals as well as General Practitioners (GPs) across Canberra are well prepared with precautionary advice to help them identify any suspected cases of this infection.

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The outbreak has so far mostly affected people who live in or who have recently visited mainland China.

While there is a small number of confirmed cases in Australia, there are no confirmed cases in the ACT as of 7 February 2020.

However, the Commonwealth Government has taken a precautionary position on this situation and has advised that anyone who was in mainland China or who transited through mainland China during or after 1 February this year, needs to self-isolate home for 14 days from the last day they were in China.

For anyone returning to Australia from Hubei Province, prior to 1 February 2020, the advice remains that they need to self-isolate for 14 days from the time of leaving Hubei Province.

In addition, if anyone has been in contact with someone who has been diagnosed with novel coronavirus, also need to stay home for 14 days starting from the last day in which the contact with that person occurred.

In humans, coronaviruses can cause mild illness, such as the common cold and gastrointestinal infections, as well as more severe illness, such as that caused by SARS (severe acute respiratory syndrome) and MERS (Middle East respiratory syndrome).

There are several ways to prevent the spread of novel coronavirus and other viral infections:

  • Frequently clean hands by using alcohol-based hand rub or soap and water
  • When coughing and sneezing, cover mouth and nose with flexed elbow or tissue – throw tissue away immediately and wash hands
  • Avoid close contact with anyone who has fever and cough
  • If you have fever, cough and difficulty breathing seek medical care early and share previous travel history with your health care provider

If you suspect you may have symptoms of novel coronavirus, please visit your local doctor or a hospital emergency department. Phone ahead to advise of your symptoms and travel history.

For the latest news and advice from ACT Health on the outbreak, visit their information on novel coronavirus public page.

ACT health professionals will be updated as required via Chief Health Officer alerts.

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For information from the Australian Government Department of Health, visit their novel coronavirus news page.

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For regular updates on the international situation, refer to the World Health Organisation novel coronavirus page.

It is the practice of some companies to monitor the official records of Australian and international patents, trade mark registrations and applications, offering to list or publish the information for a fee.

Some companies also monitor renewal dates of properties and send an official-looking renewal offer.

There is no apparent value in such services which have no official authority. We recommend that any such offers be discarded.

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Occasionally, these organisations may even send an invoice for a service they have not yet provided. This is a lure to try and get you to book the service through them. If you receive an invoice from an organisation which is not your regular patent or trade marks attorney, we recommend you contact your attorney to discuss.

Those making these types of offers include:

  • American Trademark Agency (USA)
  • AU Intellectual Property Office (Australia)
  • Central Data Register of International Patents (Germany)
  • Central Patent & Trademark Database (CPTD)(Hong Kong)
  • Commercial Centre for Industry and Trade (Switzerland)
  • Community Trade Mark Filing Support (UK)
  • Company of Economic Publications Ltd (Austria)
  • Company for Publications and Information Anstalt (CPI)(Liechtenstein)
  • Edition The Marks KFT (Hungary)
  • EPTR Trademark Register
  • European Institute for Economy and Commerce (EIEC)(Belgium)
  • European Trademark Organisation S.A. (Belgium)
  • Federated Institute for Patent & Trademark Registry (FIPTR)(US)
  • Federated Organization for Intellectual Property (FOIP) (USA)
  • Globus Edition SL (Spain)
  • Gaia Almanach (Hungary)
  • INFOCOM (Switzerland)
  • Institut of Commerce for Industry, Trade, Commerce (Switzerland)
  • Intellectual Office Property Register (IOPR) (USA)
  • International Bureau for Intellectual Property (IBIP)(USA)
  • International Bureau for Intellectual Property (Slovak Republic)
  • International Database of Registered Trade Marks IDRTM (AU)
  • International Data Medium Anstalt (IDM) (Liechtenstein)
  • International Organization for Intellectual Property (Switzerland)
  • International Organization for Patent & Trademark Service (IOPTS)(USA)
  • International Patents & Trademarks Database (IPTD)(UK)
  • International Patent and Trademark Guide (IPTG) (Czech Republic)
  • Intellectual Property Agency Ltd (Belgium)
  • IPTR International Patent and Trademark Register (Germany)
  • IP Data (Czech Republic)
  • IT&T AG (Switzerland)
  • ITP-Register (International Trademark and Patent Register) (Spain)
  • ITP-Register (International Trademark and Patent Register) (Czech Republic)
  • Organization for Patents and Trademarks (OPT s.r.o.) (Slovak Republic)
  • Patent & Trademark Agency Ltd (The Netherlands)
  • Patent&Trademark Agency – Level 32, 1 Market St, Sydney, NSW, 2000 (Australia)
  • Patent Trademark Register – Register of International Patents (Slovakia)
  • Patent & Trademark Office PTY LTD (Australia)
  • Patent & Trademark Office – 2200 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W., 4th Floor East, Washington DC (United States of America)
  • Patent & Trademark Organisation LLC (based in USA with a street address in Melbourne)
  • PTMO Limited (street address in Canberra)
  • Register of International Patents – Office Data Management (Italy)
  • Register of International Patent Bulletin (Germany)
  • Register of International Patents (Czech Republic, Slovak Republic and / or Austria)
  • Registration of International Patent (Czech Republic and/or Slovak Republic)
  • Registration of Trademark Selection (Switzerland)
  • Registration of Trademark Selection, Inc. (United States of America)
  • RPT Servis World Wide Patent Service (Czech Republic)
  • Société pour Publications et Information (SARL)(Austria)
  • TM-Collection Kft (Hungary)
  • TM-Edition International Catalogue of trademarks (Hungary)
  • TM Worldwide Lp (Hungary)
  • TPP Trademark & Patent Publications (Poland)
  • Trademark Publisher GmbH (Germany and Australia)
  • Trademark Renewal Service (TRS)(USA)
  • Trademark Selection GmbH (Switzerland)
  • United States Trademark Protection Agency (USA)
  • UPTS (Czech Republic)
  • World Bureau Intellectual Property (WBIP)(USA)
  • World Intellectual Property Database (Czech Republic)
  • World Intelligent Property Office
  • World Organization for Trademarks (WOTRA) – Hungary
  • World Patents and Trademarks (WIPT s.r.o) (Slovak Republic)
  • World Patent and Trademark Index (Czech Republic)
  • Worldwide Database of Trademarks and Patents (Czech Republic)
  • Zagorski & Partners Intellectual Property
  • ZDR – Datenregister GmbH (Germany)
  • International Database of Registered Trade Marks INDAB (Australia)

If you are concerned about the legitimacy of a communication you have received, contact us at attorney@pof.com.au.